Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives

Founded on the principles of compassion, equity, and sustainability, the ShallomMic&Hebron Helping Hands Foundation is dedicated to uplifting the lives of marginalized communities through a broad spectrum of services. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful vision: to create a more inclusive and supportive world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Our Causes

Advocacy for Social Change

Advocacy and awareness campaigns are pivotal in driving social change.…

Sustainable Community Development

Our community development projects focus on clean water initiatives, sanitation…

Disaster Relief and Recovery

In the aftermath of natural disasters, conflicts, and emergencies, our…


Meals Distributed


Families Supported Annually


Volunteers Engaged


Scholarships Awarded

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Our Mission

Our mission is to serve as a beacon of hope and support for marginalized communities, empowering individuals and families to overcome adversity, realize their full potential, and foster a more equitable and inclusive society through compassion, advocacy, and sustainable solutions.